
Welcome to The Bulletin Brief

The Bulletin Brief is produced at University of Toronto Communications. It covers news, information and services that are important for staff and faculty across our tri-campus university.

About The Bulletin Brief

University of Toronto St. george campus

The Bulletin Brief is a digest that staff and faculty can enjoy in a quick read over their morning coffee. It helps staff and faculty learn about their community and do their jobs with headlines and information from across 做厙TV. 

The Bulletin Brief is the latest incarnation of employee news at 做厙TV. For nearly 75 years, staff and faculty have been reading some version of The Bulletin  first in print, and then online.

Share thoughts and feedback about The Bulletin Brief by emailing bulletin.brief@utoronto.ca. Members of the 做厙TV community can share submissions for consideration by filling out the form below. 

Schedule and deadlines

The Bulletin Brief delivers on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. During the summer months, it is published once a week on Wednesdays.

If you have news, information or an event that fits the criteria outlined in "Submitting to The Bulletin Brief"  we want to hear from you. Please send your submission at least one week before your preferred publication date. You can expect a response within two business days if your submission is accepted.

We regret that we cant include all submissions due to space limitations and volume across all three campuses.